From Nikkaluokta to Abisko

Láddjuvággi, Tjäktjavagge, Stuor Reaiddávággi, Visttasvággi, Alesvagge, Čoalmmevággi, Abiskodalen, Kårsavagge

5 – 16 September 2017

An autumn tour in the Swedish Fjäll is waiting for you! Includes: bright autumn colours in all shades of yellow, orange and red, northern lights in green and violet and of course reindeer in white and brown!
Our route covers the most beautiful valleys in the Kebnekaise mountains, largely off the beaten track of the famous Kungsleden. After the start in Nikkaluokta we hiked through the Láddjuvággi to Kebnekaise Fjällstation and the next day onwards to Tjäktjavagge, where we spent the night in Sälka and then left the Kungsleden into the Stuor Reaiddávággi. We spent the night in the Nallostugan and experienced immediately a magic northern lights night. The next day we continued to Vistasstugan, then we went through the Visttasvággi to Alesjaure and from there through the Čoalmmevággi to Unna Allakas. We stayed there for three days, enjoyed the fantastic landscape and made a short trip to Norway. We continued through the Abiskodalen to Abiskojaure and then over the pass to Kårsavagge, which we followed to Abisko.
Day 1: From Lichtenwörth to Nikkaluokta
Lichtenwörth – Schwechat – Stockholm – Kiruna – Nikkaluokta
by Elisabeth
Day 2: Nikkaluokta – Kebnekaise Fjällstation
Tour start in best mood and in best weather
by Markus
Day 3: Kebnekaise Fjällstation – Sälka
26 varied but long kilometres
by Elisabeth
Day 4: Sälka – Nallo
Stuor Reaiddávággi
by Markus
Night 4: Northern Lights / Aurora Borealis
Ride of the Valkyries
by Markus
Day 7: Vistas – Alesjaure
Cold, rainy, windy – and nevertheless we wish we had our tent
by Elisabeth
Day 8: Alesjaure – Unna Allakas
Starring: A pack of reindeer – sooo close!
by Markus
Day 9 and 10: Unna Allakas
A great place to stay a bit longer
by Elisabeth
Day 11: Unna Allakas – Abiskojaure
Lovely autumn colours in Gámavuopmi
by Markus
Day 12: Abiskokaure – Kårsavagge
by Elisabeth
Day 13: Kårsavagge – Abisko
Snow, fog and perfect autumn colors
by Markus